
  • Iftikhar A, Bond RR, McGilligan V, Leslie SJ, McShane A, Knoery C, Rjoob K, Peace A (2020). Computational time series analysis of patient referrals to a primary percutaneous coronary intervention service. Health Informatics J, 1460458219899762. 
  • Knoery CR, Heaton J, Polson R, Bond R, Iftikhar A, Rjoob K, McGilligan V, Peace A, Leslie SJ (2020). Systematic review of clinical decision support systems for pre-hospital acute coronary syndrome identification. Critical Pathways in Cardiology (in press).


  • McGilligan V, Watterson S, Rjoob K, Chemaly M, Bond R, Iftikhar A, Knoery C, Leslie SJ, McShane A, Bjourson A, Peace A (2019). An exploratory analysis investigating blood protein biomarkers to augment ECG diagnosis of ACS. J Electrocardiology 57 S92-7. 
  • Parton A, McGilligan V, Chemaly M, O’Kane M, Watterson S (2019). New models of atherosclerosis and multi-drug therapeutic interventions. Bioinformatics. 35(14) 2449-57. 
  • McGilligan VE, Chemaly M, Bjourson AJ, Peace A (2019). The NLRP3 Inflammasome as a promising target for Coronary Artery Disease: Current and Pipeline NLRP3 Inhibitors. Online J Cardiovascular Research. 2(3) 1.


  • Chemaly M, McGilligan V, Gibson M, Clauss M, Watterson S, Alexander HD, Bjourson AJ, Peace A (2017). Role of tumour necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) and associated proteins in coronary artery disease and cardiac events. Archives of cardiovascular diseases. 110(12) 700-11.
  • Benson HE, Watterson S, Sharman JL, Mpamhanga CP, Parton A, Southan C, Harmar AJ, Ghazal P (2017). Is systems pharmacology ready to impact upon therapy development? A study on the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. British J Pharmacology 174(23) 4362-82. 


  • Henderson R, O’Kane M, McGilligan V, Watterson S (2016). The genetics and screening of familial hypercholesterolaemia. J Biomedical Science. 23(1) 39.

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